Zajednička poljoprivredna politika

Zajednička poljoprivredna politika (eng. Common Agricultural Policy), jedna je od zajedničkih politika Europske unije, a definirana je još Rimskim ugovorima. Temelji se na zajedničkom unutarnjem tržištu i cilj joj je osiguravanje razumnih cijena za europske potrošače i odgovarajućih prihoda za poljoprivrednike preko ustroja zajedničkih poljoprivrednih tržišnih organizacija, primjene načela jedinstvenih cijena, financijske solidarnosti i preferencijalnoga pristupa prema poljoprivrednim proizvodima s područja Zajednice. Zajednička poljoprivredna politika jedna je od najvažnijih nadležnosti Zajednice, na koju se usmjerava više od polovice proračuna EU-a.[1][2]


  1. Glenny, Misha (2008). McMafia: A Journey Through The Global Criminal Underworld. Knopf. str. 10. ISBN 1400095123. Pristupljeno 18 March 2015. 
  2. „Zajednička poljoprivredna politika” (Hrvatski). Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-11-23. Pristupljeno 2015-07-13. (14. rujna 2011.)

Vanjske veze

  • The CAP reform, Council of the European Union
  • „Agriculture: A partnership between Europe and farmers” (PDF). The EU's common agricultural policy (CAP): for our food, for our countryside, for our environment. European Commission. Pristupljeno 18 December 2013. 
  • Katsarova, Ivana. „Common Agricultural Policy after 2013: What will change” (PDF). Library Briefing. Library of the European Parliament. Pristupljeno 18 December 2013. 
  • „”. Searchable database of the recipients of CAP subsidies, using data obtained by access to information requests to EU member state governments. EU Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2015-06-29. Pristupljeno 18 December 2013. 
  • „The reform of the CAP”. 1987–1997 The European Union in a Europe in the throes of change. CVCE - Virtual Resource Centre for Knowledge about Europe (Previously European Navigator). Pristupljeno 18 December 2013. 
  • Arhivirano 2007-12-19 na Wayback Machine-u past and present UK subsidy schemes
  • „Reforming Agricultural Support”. Future Agricultural Support for Scotland: 2013 CAP reform from a Scottish perspective. The James Hutton Institute. Pristupljeno 18 December 2013. 
  • Archival Sources relating to the history of the Common Agricultural Policy can be consulted at the Historical Archives of the European Union in Florence
  • Reform the CAP An overview of the arguments for CAP reform with links to the most important studies
  • EU Report on effects of expansion of the EU on farm production
  • A public health point of view on CAP
  • CAP Reform Debate: Commissioner Cioloş vs Paolo De Castro MEP Arhivirano 2015-10-16 na Wayback Machine-u
  • New Zealand's hardy farm spirit from BBC correspondent John Pickford
  • Green and Pleasant Land Arhivirano 2006-05-09 na
  • CAP Health Check Arhivirano 2020-12-30 na Wayback Machine-u CAP reform: Analysis and opinion from European researchers, academics and policy-makers
  • Is the EU CAP boosting deforestation? Some background info on why the EU is lacking creditability in case of its programs to combat deforestation and illegal logging

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