Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine er et amerikansk krimtidsskrift som ble utgitt en gang i måned fra høsten 1941. Tidsskriftet kom til etter et initiativ av forfatterduoen Ellery Queen - Frederic Dannay og Manfred B. Lee. Tidlig tok allikevel Dannay over som redaktør, med Lee bare sporadisk behjelpelig i editeringen av tidsskriftet. Dannay var redaktør fram til sin død i 1982, da Eleanor Sullivan overtok redaktørposten. Fra 1991, da Sullivan døde, er Janet Hutchings redaktør. Tidsskriftet er nå det krimmagasinet som har eksistert lengst.

En kortlivet svensk versjon av tidsskriftet ble gitt ut av Hemmets Journal under navnet Ellery Queen's kriminalpocket fra 1968.

EQMM har siden starten publisert noveller av såvel krimsjangerens ledende navn som debutanter. Totalt har mer enn 700 forfattere debutert i EQMM.

Den forfatteren som har forekommet flest ganger i EQMM er sannsynligvis novellespesialisten Edward D. Hoch som debuterte i tidsskriftet allerede 1962 og som siden mainummeret i 1973 har hatt med minst en novelle i hvert nummer.

I 2005 - året da både Dannay og Lee ville fylt 100 år - feiret EQMM sine grunnleggere ved i hvert nummer publisert artikler om Queens forfatterskap av ulike eksperter. I september/oktober-nummeret ble dessuten en nyskrevet Queen-novell utgitt, The Wrightsville Carnival, skrevet av Edward D. Hoch. I mainummeret i 2007 av EQMM ble en ny lengre Queen-pastisj utgitt, skrevet av belgieren Kurt Sercu og amerikaneren Dale C. Andrews.



Nr 1

  • Anthony Abbot - About the Prefect Crime of Mr. Digberry
  • Margery Allingham - The Question Mark
  • Frederick Hazlitt Brennan - Wild Onions
  • Dashiell Hammett - Too Many Have Lived
  • Ellery Queen - The Adventure of the Treasure Hunt
  • T. S. Stribling - The Cablegram
  • Cornell Woolrich - Dime a Dance


Nr 2

  • Frederick Irving Anderson - The Phantom Guest
  • Agatha Christie - The Sunningdale Mystery
  • Steve Fisher - Goodbye Hannah
  • Geoffrey Household - Taboo
  • William MacHarg - The Important Point
  • Stuart Palmer - Green Ice
  • Dorothy L. Sayers - The Man Who Knew How
  • Vincent Starrett - The Case of the Two Flutes

Nr 3

  • R. Austin Freeman - Percival Bland's Proxy
  • Karl Detzer - Dumb Yank
  • Ben Hecht - Crime Without Passion
  • Edgar Wallace - Code No. 2
  • Lawrence G. Blochman - Mrs. Macbeth
  • Jacques Futrelle - The Stolen Rubens
  • Michael Arlen - The Good Friend
  • Ellery Queen - The Adventure of the Frightened Star

Nr 4

  • Nick Carter - The Mystery of Mrs. Dickinson
  • Arnold Bennett - Murder!
  • Elsa Barker - The Key in Michael
  • Stuart Palmer - The Blue Fingerprint
  • Vincent Starrett - Dilemma at Shanghai
  • Irvin S. Cobb - Cabbages and Kings
  • Viola Brothers Shore - Tell It To The Judge
  • Thomas Burke - The Bloomsbury Wonder

Nr 5

  • Dashiell Hammett - Fly Paper
  • Nicholas Olde - the Collector of Curiosities
  • Agatha Christie - The Third Floor Flat
  • Lawrence Dwight Smith - Seesaw
  • Melville Davisson Post - The Fortune Teller
  • Drederick Irving Anderson - The Unknown Man
  • John Dickson Carr - The Wrong Problem
  • Ellery Queen - The Meanest Man In The World

Nr 6

  • James Hilton - The Mallet
  • Courtney Ryley Cooper - Suspect Unknown
  • Hugh Pendexter - According to the Evidence
  • Samuel Hopkins Adams - The Unreckonable Factor
  • Ellery Queen - The Mouse's Blood
  • Edgar Wallace - The Man Next Door
  • Anthony Boucher - Screwball Division
  • Lincoln Steffens - The Compliments of the Chief
  • G. K. Chesterton - Tremendous Adventures of Major Brown

Nr 7

  • Georges Simenon - The Case of Arnold Schuttringer
  • Margery Allingham - The Definite Article
  • Frederick Nebel - Too Young To Die
  • Carolyn Wells - A Point of Testimony
  • Ellery Queen - The Good Samaritan
  • Damuel Duff - The Bow-Street Runner
  • Karl Detzer - The Real Thing
  • Wilbur Daniel Steele - Blue Murder


Nr 8

  • Anthony Boucher - Mystery for Christmas
  • E. C. Bentley - Greedy Night, a Parody
  • Wadsworth Camp - The Obscure Move
  • P. C. Wren - Simple
  • Rodrigues Ottolengui - A Frosty Morning
  • Ruth Chessman - Accused
  • Marten Cumberland - The Diary of Death
  • Viola Brothers Shore - Opals Are Bad Luck
  • H. G. Wells - The Hammerpond Park Burglary
  • Dororthy L. Sayers - The Leopard Lady

Nr 9

  • Agatha Christie - Accident
  • O. Henry - The Marionettes
  • Craig Rice - His Heart Could Break
  • H. C. McNeile - Thirteen Lead Soldiers
  • Maurice Leblanc - The Lady with the Hatchet
  • Ellery Queen - The Fire-Bug
  • Ellis Parker Butler - Philo Gubb's Greatest Case
  • Hammett, Dashiell - They Can Only Hang You Once
  • Christopher Morley - The Mycroft Magic Square

Nr 10

  • H. C. Bailey - The Thistle Down
  • Anthony Boucher - QL 696.C9
  • Jack London - The Leopard Man's Story
  • Francis Iles - Dark Journey
  • Vincent Starrett - Murder at the Opera
  • Ellery Queen - The Man Who Could Double Diamonds
  • Freeman Wills Crofts - The Hunt Ball
  • Franklin P. Adams (F.P.A.) - The Picture Collector
  • Margaret Manners - Squeakie's First Case

Nr 11

  • John Dickson Carr - The Proverbial Murder
  • Mark Twain - The Stolen White Elephant
  • W. W. Jacobs - His Brother's Keeper
  • James Yaffe - Department of Impossible Crimes
  • Gilbert K. Chesterton - The Blast of the Book
  • Baron Palle Rosenkrantz - Letter from Another World
  • P. C. Wren - The Dirty Dog's Club
  • Lawrence G. Blochman - The Aldine Folio Murders
  • Ellery Queen - The Adventure of the Murdered Ship

Nr 12

  • E. C. Bentley - The Ministering Angel
  • Cornell Woolrich - After-Dinner Story
  • Georges Simenon - The Three Rembrandts
  • Frank Swinnerton - The Verdict
  • Percival Wilde - P. Moran, Shadow
  • Hugh MacNair Kahler - Bottleneck
  • Harry Irving Greene - The Gold Goose Scientist
  • Anthony Boucher - Black Murder
  • Ernest Bramah - The Buch of Violets
  • Ellery Queen - The Blind Bullet

Nr 13

  • John Dickson Carr - The Locked Room
  • Ellen Glasgow - A Point in Morals
  • Roy Vickers - The Rubber Trumpet
  • Lillian de la Torre - Dr Sam: Johnson, Detector
  • George Simenon - The Secret of Fort Bayard
  • Cyril Plunkett - The Killer
  • Frederick Irving Anderson - The Signed Masterpiece
  • C. S. Forester - The Turn of the Tide
  • Anon - The Topaz Cuff Button
  • Ellery Queen - The Adventure of the One Legged Man


Nr 14

  • Steve Fisher - If Christmas Comes
  • Samule Hopkins Adams - The Flying Death
  • Cornelius A. Tilghman - Death in the Dog House
  • Fredric Brown - The Djinn Murder
  • Christopher Morley - A Scandal in Bohemia
  • Pat Hand - The Showdown
  • S. Weir Mitchell - The Waters of Oblivion
  • Agatha Christie - The Witness for the Prosecution
  • P. C. Wren - No Corpse - No Murder
  • William Faulkner - The Hound

Nr 15

  • W. Somerset Maugham - Footprints in the Jungle
  • Stuart Palmer - The Lady from Dubuque
  • Margery Allingham - Safe as Houses
  • James Yaffe - Mr Kiroshibu's Ashes
  • Arthur Sherburne Hardy - The Silver Pencil
  • Lillian de la Torre - Prince Charlie's Ruby
  • Johnston McCulley - Thubway Tham, Thvilian
  • MacKinlay Kantor - The Watchman
  • Miriam Allen deFord - Mortmain
  • Dashiell Hammett - The Judge Laughed Last

Nr 16

  • Dashiell Hammett - One Hour
  • Georges Simenon - Affaire Ziliouk
  • C. Daly King - The Nail and the Requiem
  • Henry Hasse - The Man Who Read Too Many
  • Richard Comnnell - The Doctor and the Lunatic
  • Jerome & Harold Prince - The Man in the Velvet Hat
  • E. M. Forster - Mr. and Mrs. Abbey's Difficulties
  • Agatha Christie - The Mystery of the Blue Jar
  • Quentin Reynolds - The Man Who Dreamed Too Much

Nr 17

  • Stuart Palmer - The Adventure of the Marked Man
  • Christopher Morley - The Curious Case of Kenelm Digby
  • Sergeant Russell S. Hughes - Seeing is Believing
  • G. D. H. & M. I. Cole - A Lesson in Crime
  • Fredric Brown - Murder While You Wait
  • Roy Vickers - The Man Who Murdered in Public
  • Ellery Queen - The Wounded Lieutenant
  • Pat Hand - The Imponderables
  • James M. Cain - The Baby in the Icebox

Nr 18

  • Agatha Christie - The Labors of Hercules
  • Connelly, Marc - Coroner's Inquest
  • + okända noveller

Nr 19

  • John Dickson Carr - William Wilson's Rackett
  • Dashiell Hammett - The Gutting of Couffignal
  • Percival Wilde - P. Moran Deductor
  • Valma Clark - Death on the South Wind
  • Baynard Kendrick - Death at the Porthole
  • Roy Vickers - The Meanest Man in Europe
  • Anthony Boucher - Arsene Lupin vs Colonel Linnaus
  • M. Lindsay - The Garnet Ring
  • Pat Hand - The Alibi
  • Graham Greene - The News In English


Nr 20

  • Dashiell Hammett - Death on Pine Street
  • Agatha Christie - The Labors of Hercules
  • Anthony Boucher - Rumor, Inc.
  • Ben Wilson - Just an Old-Fashioned Murder
  • Jerome & Harold Prince - The Finger Man
  • Francis Leo Goldman - The Testimony of Dr Farnsworth
  • Margery Allingham - A Matter of Form
  • Pat Hand - The Ace of Spades
  • Edgar Wallace - The Chobham Affair
  • Arthur Somers Roche - .

Nr 21

  • Michael Arlen - Gay Falcon
  • Cornell Woolrich - The Mathematics of Murder
  • Eric Ambler - The Case of the Emerald Sky
  • Stuart Palmer - The Riddle of the Twelve Amethysts
  • James Yaffe - Cul de Sac
  • Lillian de la Torre - Monboddo's Ape Boy
  • Nicholas Blake - The Assassins' Club
  • Ralph Norman Weber - The Curious Incident of the Dog
  • Miriam Allen deFord - Something to Do with Figures
  • Ed Gardner - The Murder of Lady Twickinham
  • Theodore Dreiser - The Prince Who Was a Thief

Nr 22

  • John Dickson Carr - The Empty Flat
  • Cornell Woolrich - Leg Man
  • Margery Allingham - The Meaning of the Act
  • H. H. Homes - The Stripper
  • Herzl Fife - Pattern for Murder
  • Roy Vickers - The Case of the Merrie Andrew
  • Jacques Futrelle - The Statement of the Accused
  • Margaret Manners - Squeakie's Second case
  • MacKinlay Kantor - Rogues' Gallery
  • Phyllis Bottome - The Liqueur Glass
  • Owen Cameron - The Quick and the Dead
  • Talbot C. Hatch - Guess Who?

Nr 23

  • T. S. Stribling - The Mystery of the Chief of Police
  • Allan Vaughan Elston - Delayed Verdict
  • Henry Wade - Smash and Grab
  • Anthony Berkeley - Mr. Bearstowe Says
  • Percival Wilde - P. Moran, Fire-Fighter
  • Dashiell Hammett - The Tenth Clue
  • S. J. Perelman - Farewell, My Lovely Appetizer
  • Donald Henderson - The Alarm Bell
  • Susan Glaspell - A Jury of Her Peers

Nr 24

  • G. K. Chesterton - The White Pillars Murder
  • Agatha Christie - The Case of the Vulture Women
  • Lillian de la Torre - The Wax-Work Cadaver
  • Dashiell Hammett - Two Sharp Knives
  • Damon Runyon - What, No Butler?
  • James Yaffe - The Problem of the Emperor's Mushrooms
  • Heard, H. F. - The Adventure of Mr. Montalba, Obsequist
  • Philip Wylie - Perkins' "First Case"
  • Ben Hecht - The Whistling Corpse
  • James M. Cain - Pastorale
  • John Dickson Carr - Will You Walk into My Parlor?

Nr 25

  • Roy Vickers - The Mean Man's Murder
  • Stuart Palmer - Snafu Murder
  • Dorothy L. Sayers - The Footsteps That Ran
  • Eric Ambler - Case of the Pinchbeck Locket
  • Baynard Kendrick - The Eye
  • Q. Patrick - White Carnations
  • Christopher Morley - Codeine (7 Per Cent)
  • Barry Perowne - The Blind Spot
  • Mark Twain - A Medieval Romance
  • Gerald Kersh - The Adventures of Karmesin
1. Karmesin, Murderer
2. Karmesin, Jewel Thief
  • Dashiell Hammett - The Green Elephant

Eksterne lenker

  • Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine offisielle nettsted Arkivert 20. november 2010 hos Wayback Machine.
  • Dell's The Mystery Place
  • Mystery and Suspense: Original Sources Indexed
  • Issue by issue story listings
